A Whole Campus Approach to Identifying Priority Gaps and Building on Current Successes - Vanier College

Vanier College understands that a safe and healthy campus requires a mental health strategy that centers the needs of all stakeholders, including students, staff and faculty. Towards this end, we worked with them to conduct two holistic audits of mental health services and supports: i) surfacing needs for students, and ii) identifying needs for teachers and staff.

Using both the National Standard for the Mental Health and Well-Being for Post Secondary Students and the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace as guiding documents, we also carefully ensured that all recommendations aligned with Québec’s government-mandated Plan d'action sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignement supérieur 2021-2026.

We developed a roadmap for actions from each audit that would create meaningful changes for students, teachers, and staff. In the months that have followed, we’ve also assisted them in filing priority gaps by creating suicide postvention and crisis management procedures, and writing a subsequent Strategic Plan.


Adapting mental health & wellness resources to varied Canadian and American post-secondary contexts